The voice of his coming ministries

Calling America Back to GOD

We are the Voice in the streets of the cities of America crying “America! Return to the LORD Your GOD”. We are the Voice in the cities and rural communities across the nations of the world calling men everywhere to repent from their sins and to seek the LORD in truth and in righteousness because the Kingdom of GOD is very much at hand – cf. Matthew 4:17.

Our Beginning

The Voice of His Coming was first inaugurated on November 28, 1999, after 391 days of playing the game of Jonah and rationalizing that he was not fit to preach repentance to a nation that is fondly call “GOD’S own Country”. However, after series of events that almost took his life and the LORD not letting go of him: that it is only in obedience that there is life and peace, Brother Gideon answered “yes LORD” and he began the banner walk through the streets of 27 cities across 10 states. On July 14, 2000, the LORD gave us the privilege to stand at the steps of the US Capital with the banner, proclaiming, “America! Return to the LORD your GOD

What we do

City and State Banner Walk

The LORD gave us a banner and said, “go, walk through the streets and the cities of America crying America! Return to the LORD your GOD.” 

City and National Strategic Prayer Gathering

We mobilize Pastors and Churches to the City Halls of the cities to which we are sent, to pray and to intercede for the revival,

Global Missions & Outreaches

We partner with global mission sending agencies and local churches to organize crusades and holistic outreaches

Worship and Intercession

Our worship and intercession meetings are opened to intercessors and Christians from across the denominational spectrum,

Bible Study

Our Bible study is designed to provide each participant with the opportunity to grow deeper in the knowledge of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and to discover his/herself in Him.

Hour of Possibility

The Hour of Possibility is a HOLY GHOST prayer event that we hold every first Saturday of the month from the hours of 6.00 AM to 8.00 AM.